Skillet & Anvil Throw

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Skillet & Anvil Throw


Annette Metcalf, Superintendent (photo-right) & Shauna Richardson, Asst.

Call the Fair Office at (207) 935-3268 for more information or email us at


On the Monday of Fryeburg Fair every year! SKILLET TOSS & ANVIL THROW:

Hey all you skillet tossers & anvil throwers - you can get on the sign-up sheet to participate NOW through Monday at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Sign-up sheets are at Fryeburg Fair's Main Office and at the Livestock Office. The Skillet Toss begins on Monday at noon at the Goat & Swine Grandstand; the Anvil Throw follows, usually around 1:30, same place. Wicked fun as we like to say in Maine!!!


Skillet Throw

  1. Open to the world’s women.
  2. Skillet will be provided by the fair.
  3. Skillet used is custom-made of steel.
  4. Throw will be straight out the course. Distance off center line will be subtracted from distance thrown.
  5. No practice throws allowed.
  6. One throw per contestant.
  7. Crossing foul line will result in disqualification.
  8. In the finals - two throws per contestant - best of 2.
  9. Sign up for the skillet toss & anvil throw day of the event. Sign up sheets on the bulletin board outside the Main Office or Livestock Office.

Anvil Throw

  1. Open to the world's men.
  2. Anvill will be provided by the fair.
  3. Anvill used will be custom made.
  4. Throw will be straight out the course. Distance off center line will be subtracted from distance thrown.
  5. No practice throws allowed.
  6. One throw per contestant.
  7. Crossing foul line will result in disqualification.
  8. In the finals - two throws per contestant - best of 2
  9. Sign up for the skillet toss & anvil throw day of the event. Sign up sheets on the bulletin board outside the Main Office or Livestock Office.
Ribbons to six places; trophy to champion


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VIDEO-Skillet Toss

Video-Anvil Throw

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