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Goat Department Superintendent
Raymond Leavitt (photo-center) with Asst’s Phil Cassette & Sera Holt
For more information, please contact us:
Phone: 207-935-3268, Email: info@fryeburgfair.org



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Our motto in the Goat Department is: “Promote the Goat!” Given their outgoing personalities, the goats do a great job of promoting themselves! The Open Dairy Goat Show is held on the first Sunday of the fair in the Livestock Arena. The Goat Barn is open to the public every day of the fair until 9 PM. Weather permitting, animals are also entertaining fair-goers at the Goat Playground from 8 AM until 6 PM. Our milking parlor is located in the center of the barn and we feature milking demonstrations outside the east end of the barn several times during fair week. Superintendents and exhibitors are always happy to answer questions.

While the main focus of our exhibit is goats for dairy production, we also house a small exhibit of Boer goats – a popular meat breed. The Goat Department has been a proud component of Fryeburg Fair since 1983 – with several updates and modifications to our space and displays over the years. Feel like a kid again! Visit us at the Goat Barn!

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